Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I like architecture.

I do a fair amount if architectural photography - something I never thought I'd like to do. Turns out I do like it, and I think it is because I appreciate good design. I have a problem of collecting chairs - old chairs ususally. All of them are designed well. Thus my problem. Anyway. These images are from one of my newest and favorite clients, ROOM DESIGN. They are an architecture firm based in Minneapolis. It is really fun to work with them, because they are the ones who designed the place and are excited about seeing it photographed well.
These images are from a loft in uptown, really close to Lake Calhoun. The bathroom is great, isn't it. I look forward to working more with these guys in the future. They are a talented bunch. Look for more of their work at the Franconia Sculpture Garden, as ROOM is designing the coming campus. Should be really cool when it is done - I've seen the models!

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