Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fairest of the Fairs

I'm a bit late on the draw here, but wanted to post these images anyway. The Minnesota Fair happened about a month ago. I was hired to go shoot some images of things that sum up the fair. One priority was to photograph people eating things on a stick - which has definitely become the calling card of the MN State Fair. I witnessed 14" corndogs (known around here as "pronto pups"?), alligator, hotdish (tater-tots and meatballs, with gravy), ostrich and homemade nut rolls - all on a stick.

Then there were the usual sightings of people winning and carrying giant stuffed animals, the warehouses full of farm animals and the midway chaos. I am not really a fan of the fair like most Minnesotans. I didn't grow up with the tradition and generally wrinkle my brow at events that cost me $40 and leave me with a stomach ache. I really cannot complain about getting hired to go to the fair though, can I?

If you'd like to read the article, go here.


Super Rookie said...

not one kid on a leash.

what a shame.

tc worley said...

perhaps I should change my nickname to "Partial Coverage" now...