Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007 Assignments - Part 1

I'm going to highlite some of the best assignments I did this year. Most were for the NY Times - Travel section.

This is the perfect place for me to release images that might ever be seen otherwise. The NYT only publishes a couple images per assignment, but ususally there at least a handful of interesting shots. Let the chronicle begin.
This is Mount Bohemia, in Upper Michigan. It is a EXPERT ONLY ski/board area. Black diamond runs with "gladed areas" - which are tree runs. In other words, it is backcountry. Miss the trees and you are having fun. Ski over your head and you are going to end up hurt.
Somehow I managed to walk away from this one despite my non-black diamond skills. I did most of the photography by running (literally) around the mountain on snowshoes.

If you are into backcountry with rocky drops and tree hazards - the closest destination is Mt. Bohemia. Great atmosphere, run by great people. You will not be dissapointed.

* If you'd like to use any of these, please ask first. Thanks.

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