Monday, July 13, 2009

Bike racing, and summer fun.

This has been an exceptional summer here in Minnesota. Having grown up in a warmer climate, I am all about the Minnesota summers. They are short and sweet. You dang well better make the most of it, because snowflakes fly early up here.

So, I have been making the most of it. I've been sailing, bike racing, adventure racing, swimming, riding motorcycles, camping, etc... Never a dull moment. I do not have photos for all of these activities, but I scrounged a few to show you.

First is my son Jack during his first Mountain Mike race. He's done BMX and the Shimano Kid's races (everyone wins), but this year he decided to compete for real. Mount Kato, in Mankato, MN was the race. He suffered through the 4 mile course, wrecking twice, but insistent on finishing. He was not very pleased at the end of the race, as it was the toughest physical thing he has ever done. But you should have seen his mood change when the results were posted and he got second in his age group! Kid was pumped up! I was right proud of him. I got to follow him through the course and it was really fun to watch him maneuver the course with his tiny bike. Kids rule, seriously.

I raced later in the day and had a great time. This is one of my favorite courses. I managed a 3rd in my Single Speed category, but was 30-something overall. Good times.

Lastly, dig this image my wife took of Jack at the beach. Kids are the best humorists and they do not even know it.

If you have not met your summertime funtime goals, get it in gear. We're neck deep into July already. Make it happen.

***The bike racing images were pirated from Dana Schoppe's page. Thanks, Dana.

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